Manusher Jonno (Bangladesh)

About Us
Manusher Jonno Foundation (MJF), is a non-government national organization supporting human rights and governance initiatives in Bangladesh. MJF provides funding and capacity building support to more than 240 organizations all over Bangladesh. It is also involved with partners to support national advocacy efforts that have set the agenda for human rights and governance policy-making in favour of the marginalized and excluded groups.
Vision: A world free from poverty, exploitation and discrimination where people live in freedom, dignity and human security.
• Inclusiveness and Equality
• Respect for Diversity
• Transparency and Accountability
• Gender sensitivity
Why is MJF Unique?
MJF is the only national organization in Bangladesh managing a large fund supporting Human Rights and Governance through small and mid-level local CSO’s. It also works with the most diverse group including women, children and marginalised groups such as sex workers, persons with disability, transgender, untouchable community etc. Most importantly, it has the ability to link grass root level activism with national policy advocacy thus creating a movement to reduce rights violation and ensure good governance. Most importantly, MJF through partners builds the capacity of people to raise their voices against rights violations, to demand good governance and access to quality services. MJF also works with public institutions (supply side) to ensure their responsiveness to public demand.
What Do We Do:
MJF provides funding and capacity building support to CSO’s on five major thematic issues:
1. Ensuring Rights of the Marginalised Population
2. Combating Violence against Women and Girls
3. Protection of Working Children and Vulnerable Workers
4. Ensuring Responsiveness of Public Institutions
5. Socio-economic Development of Chittagong Hill Tracts
MJF’s support to partners has resulted in preventing thousands of child marriages; prevention and services to women victims of violence; positive legislation and better services for marginalised groups; better working conditions for workers and removal of children from hazardous work; access to justice for women and children; and improved governance at local level.

Case Studies:Equal Pay for Female Agriculture Workers:
“If you don’t increase our payment from 120 taka to 150 taka and fix 6 hour working hours, we will stop working. No one will go to the field. Male workers are getting 200 taka and work from 6 am to 12 noon. But you are giving us 120 taka for 7-hour long working hours. You cannot do this!” said Lucky Begum to their employer.
The land owner was surprised to hear this bold voice of Lucky. He could not imagine a female worker could raise such a demand and ignored it. The female workers then got united and stopped working. When a big group of female workers stop working for four days, the owner was forced to change his decision and fixed 150 taka wage and 6-hours working time for the female agro workers.
MJF support to an organization “Kormojibi Nari” (KN) which works with women agriculture workers has been able to mobilize thousands of women to demand equal pay for equal work. Wage disparity is common in Bangladesh specially in the informal sector.
Women attend group learning sessions and training on labor rights. Lucky and 10 other members of her group decided to talk with their employer and raise the issue of wage disparity between male and female workers. After much persuasion, many meetings and pressure of collective action, the employer agreed to the demand of the female worker’s.
The female workers said they are now united due to support of MJF and KN. They are aware about their rights and have learnt to raise voice against injustice and also to negotiate with employers. Now other female agro-workers of the area are also getting this benefit.
Contact Info:
Address: House 47 Road No. 35, Dhaka 1212, Bangladesh
Tel: 880-2-9666496, 880-2-9854828
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