10 Years of Foundations for Peace

10 Years of Foundations for Peace
Venue: Philanthropy House (The EFC Centre) in Brussels
Dates: 3rd to 4th November 2016.
The event is for those with an interest in social justice, peacebuilding and the role of philanthropy.
Click on a link below to download Conference Report.

Context: In the past ten years, the world has changed beyond recognition. Alongside serious problems such as rising inequality and climate change, war has become the new norm, and peace and security issues dominate much of the globe. Many democracies are faltering with a rising prevalence of failed states, conflicted or deeply divided societies and stalled development.
Studies show that, despite the best efforts of many organizations, the architecture surrounding development aid does not contribute to lasting peace in conflict-affected communities. Indeed, the aid system tends to undermine the autonomy of local activism, which is essential to transforming conflicts.
Foundations for Peace, a network of 10 local foundations rooted in their country’s contexts, supports community activists at local level over the long term, to open up space for the growth of civil society, to develop a new narrative, and to work on conflict transformation initiatives. Its values are based on respect for all identities and included are diverse voices and people who are often marginalized or demonized.
We wish to share with you our experience and learning over the past 10 years, and our views about the imperatives for the next 10 years. Key presentations, a policy report on our work and reflections over the past 10 years will be available to those who attend. The events and report will be of particular interest to philanthropists with an interest in conflict transformation.
The convening will:
1. Discuss a new paradigm for development in contested or deeply divided societies
2. Explore the role of different types of community intervention in peace and conflict transformation
3. Explore new models of partnership working for community based conflict transformation in contested or deeply divided societies.
Click below to view or download our two recent publications:

Further information is available from:
Dawn Shackels